Thursday, June 5, 2008

What's been cooked so far

everything here comes from Mark Bittman's book HTCEV.

Bean Croquettes made with cornmeal and of course, beans. a bit like a hush puppy made from beans, pretty good, but a bit oily.

Cherry Pie (2 so far), one made with flour and sugar, the other with semolina and sugar, most recipes call for tapioca as the binder, we have not got tapioca. Both were given a thumbs up and promptly devoured by Brandy and Dylan.

spaghetti sauce made from fresh tomatoes and tomato paste. The first tomato sauce I only used fresh tomatoes and no tomato paste and because our local tomatoes are not yet fully in season (it's hard to get really red over-ripe toms) the sauce came out more orange than red. The next time I used a bit of the homemade tomato paste and that worked pretty well.

Coming soon: Peach pie, more cherry pies, strawberry rhubarb pie, and all things eggplant. In the fall we hope to make some apple cider and if we get really creative and industrious we make pomegranate/apple cider.

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