Saturday, June 7, 2008

Ugly Cherry Pie

Brandy and I and the boys are off to Varzob this afternoon with our friends Tom & Mette and their 1 year old boy Sasha. Varzob is narrow river valley just outside of Dushanbe, its where pretty much everyone in Dushanbe goes to relax on the weekend. Lots of little parks and restaurants along the river.

For the occasion I just put a cherry pie in the oven. Made with dark red cherries bought at the bazaar and mixed with sugar, flour, & almond oil extract that a friend of ours buys on the road between Garm and Dushanbe. The almond oil is pretty amazing. We'll see how the pie turns out. I tried to double the recipe for the dough and when I do that I pretty consistently screw it up. Next time I'll be sure to do 2 batches. The crust recipe comes from.... wait for it... Mark Bittman's HTCEV, where else? Its probably the best recipe I've used for pie crusts and works brilliantly when I don't try to double it.

so it may be ugly, but it will be delicious.

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